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Associated Students of Harvey Mudd College (ASHMC)

ASHMC stands for Associated Students of Harvey Mudd College. Every student at Harvey Mudd College is able to take advantage of all ASHMC-sponsored extracurricular and social events as well as participate in many facets of student governance.

Mission Statement

ASHMC seeks to empower our student body by increasing engagement, stimulating leadership, celebrating diversity and advocating for equality.

Governance Structure

Oversight of ASHMC activities and policies is placed in the hands of the ASHMC Senate and Executive Board. The Senate is led by the Senate Chair and is composed of class presidents and dorm presidents. The Executive Board is led by the President, and is composed of the Treasurers and several Directors for different aspects of campus life. The Executive Board elects several Executive Appointments. ASHMC also oversees the Honor Board, which is led by the Judiciary Board Chair and the Disciplinary Board Chair, and is composed of several Honor Board Representatives across different class years.

For more information on Senate positions, see the Senate Bylaws page from the dropdown menu. For more information on Executive Board positions and Executive Appointment positions, see the Executive Policy. For more information on Honor Board positions, see Honor Code. Most of the listed positions are often held by multiple students at a time.

Meetings (Open to the Public)

The ASHMC Senate meets every Friday at 12:15 PM at the Aviation Room in the Hoch-Shanahan Dining Hall. These meetings are open to all members of the student body. Feel free to come to an ASHMC meeting to see how it all works!

How to Get Involved with ASHMC

For all of the listed ASHMC leadership positions, students will receive an email when the petition periods begin to run. They can submit a candidate statement and petition with signatures from their constituents, and a one-week voting period will ensue. For more information, see the pages mentioned above under Governance, or consult the individuals listed on the Leadership Members page.

Legal Status and Budget

We are a California 501(c)4 corporation whose mission is to serve the Harvey Mudd College student body. We receive dues from every student enrolled in the college to maintain our revenue stream. For allocation information, please see the budget information section of the ASHMC Resources page.

ASHMC Relationship with Harvey Mudd College

ASHMC is completely independent of, though still affiliated with, the institution of Harvey Mudd College. We appoint and maintain representatives to several Harvey Mudd College committees, including the Division of Student Affairs, Faculty Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, and Alumni Association Board of Governors (AABOG).